Different Ways to Propagate Begonias || Leaf and Stem Cuttings

In this video we take an in-depth look at the different ways to propagate begonias – from leaf and stem cuttings.

Did you know that you can regrow an entirely new begonia plant from just a single leaf? The begonia is a propagators dream, as you can regrow new plants from almost every part of the original plant. In a previous video, we showed you the method to grow thousands of begonia seedlings by harvesting your own seed pods. In this video we are going to show you the easy steps to follow so you can go from this, a single healthy leaf, to this, a new plant regrowing from the veins in the leaf. On top of this, we are also going to take a look at how you can use stem cuttings to multiply your begonia stock.

Topics and Timestamps:
00:00 Introduction
00:43 How to propagate begonias from leaf cuttings
03:23 How new plants develop
04:45 Top Tip – Plant hormones
05:08 How to propagate begonias from stem cuttings
06:21 Root growth and repotting

Free eBook on Begonia Cutting Propagation: https://agriculture-academy.newzenler.com/6360/files/626fcf48957ce_1651494728_how-to-grow-begonia-from-cuttings-ebook-compressed-1.pdf

Free eBook: 5 Steps to start a Profitable Plant Nursery


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🌱 Seed trays: https://amzn.to/3GCbrKb
🌱 Secateurs: https://amzn.to/3TOojQx
🌱 Perlite: https://amzn.to/3Xe9F85
🌱 Rooting hormone: https://amzn.to/3glk69h
🌱 Spray bottles: https://amzn.to/3GyDSZF
🌱 The Plant Propagators ‘Bible’: https://amzn.to/3EOuaRn
🌱 Coir: https://amzn.to/3Om1p1H
🌱 Vermiculite: https://amzn.to/3tKh5Cv
🌱 Watering nozzle attachment for bottles: https://amzn.to/3TWs9qJ

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