How to make a worm farm

Welcome to Wormville.

Inspired by Geoff Lawton, my permaculture teacher, and Andrew Hayim De Vries from Wasteplant in Byron Bay. In this video, I show how I made my worm farm from an old bath tub, a gate hinge and a bit of tin.

To study Permaculture with Geoff Lawton, enroll for the 2022 Permaculture Design Certificate course here: and remember to write 2022WEEDYBEARD at checkout to save USD $100 couresy Weedy 🙂

Day after day, year after year, it will produce microbe rich, nutrient rich fertilizer for my garden.
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Wheelbarrow art by or

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#permaculture, #organic gardening, #how to garden, #growing your own food, #sustainable living, #off the grid, #grow food, #gardening, #gardening tips, #sustainability, #vegetable garden, #covid garden, #lockdown garden, #covid project, #lockdown project, #worm farm, #vermiculture, #how to build a worm farm, #how to make a worm farm, #home made fertiliser, #worm farming

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How to make a worm farm

Welcome to Wormville.

Inspired by Geoff Lawton, my permaculture teacher, and Andrew Hayim De Vries from Wasteplant in Byron Bay. In this video, I show how I made my worm farm from an old bath tub, a gate hinge and a bit of tin.

To study Permaculture with Geoff Lawton, enroll for the 2022 Permaculture Design Certificate course here: and remember to write 2022WEEDYBEARD at checkout to save USD $100 couresy Weedy 🙂

Day after day, year after year, it will produce microbe rich, nutrient rich fertilizer for my garden.
Support The Weedy Gareden. Become a Patron:

By subscribing to my channel and commenting on or liking this video you are helping YouTube notice it, so please go for it 🙂

Wheelbarrow art by or

Music from

#permaculture, #organic gardening, #how to garden, #growing your own food, #sustainable living, #off the grid, #grow food, #gardening, #gardening tips, #sustainability, #vegetable garden, #covid garden, #lockdown garden, #covid project, #lockdown project, #worm farm, #vermiculture, #how to build a worm farm, #how to make a worm farm, #home made fertiliser, #worm farming

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