Live Q&A: Super Harvest in a Mini-Victory Garden!

victory garden gardening permaculture gardening for beginners

Join Rob Avis and Carmen Lamoureux for a crash course about how to grow a Victory Garden from seeds to harvest in your postage-stamp urban yard. If you’re looking at the scary headlines and empty grocery shelves and thinking of growing your own food this year — you’re not alone! Seed sales are going crazy – and their value is only going to increase over time.

Problem is – when you’ve bought the seeds to provide for your produce needs this year, do you know what to do with them? Do you have a place to plant them, and space for a garden, even containers or a community lot? Do you know when and how to plant them, and how to save and store seeds properly, so they don’t go bad? Carmen and Rob will answer all of those questions here!

Online PDC!

So tune in for our weekly Q&A as Rob and our lead PDC instructor Carmen Lamoreaux* answer all these questions and more, revealing options you wouldn’t have imagined.

Plese join us every Tuesday, 4/7, at 4:00 pm Mountain Time, with your questions ready!

*Carmen is the founder/owner of Calgary’s Urban Farm Permaculture Project and URBAN FARM SCHOOL, and a lead instructor for Verge’s Permaculture Design Certification program. She and Rob will be co-leading our first Online PDC, starting 4/19 – learn more here:

#victory garden #gardening #permaculture gardening for beginners

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