Outdoor Living Decor | Colors | Styles | Themes

Outdoor Living Decor | Colors | Styles | Themes

Check out Part one if you haven’t seen it yet
“Why Outdoor Decor is Important”

Whoop, Whoop! Part 2 of our Outdoor Living Decor series is up for your viewing pleasure. We sure hope these tips and photos help out in the decor process with your Outdoor Living Space. We just-plain-old-love to add comfy touches to outdoor rooms. And these touches will make you and your guests, family and friends – want to put up your feet and stay awhile. To relax in down-home luxury – outdoor rooms you’ve created – just a few steps from inside.

Colors, themes & Styles is the second of a 5-part series on Backyard Decor Ideas. From Outside Decor Planning and Decor layout to Patio Decor Ideas, these videos will show you hundreds of fully decorated properties complete with outside decor.

So many of us are in-the-moment and let’s face it, outdoor decor is trending. It seems to be everywhere. All kinds of colors, furniture pieces, planters, tables, lanterns, hanging lights, tableware, rugs, umbrellas . . . decor overload!

That is the tricky thing. Be careful you are not collecting cutesy things that are not cohesive to your decor plan. Oh, you didn’t create a decor plan? Then backtrack and after watching this video, choose your color, style & /or theme to get re-started. Our next video on adding the “Bells & Whistles” might be helpful too.

The 5-part series is fun & functional. Micah Dennis, Outdoor Living Guy will walk you through, ‘Why Outdoor Decor is Important,’ ‘Color, Styles, & Themes,’ ‘Adding The Bells & Whistles,’ ‘ Outdoor Bars, Bar stools & Dining Decor,’ and ‘Bringing your Fire pit to Life with Decor.”

If you are looking for outdoor room ideas or even the basics in outdoor living decor concepts, this series is exactly right for you. Learn why planning is key and discover some simple how-to’s to turn blah into beautiful.

1. Plan Colors – Think Blend
2. Find your style – Rustic, Minimalist, Traditional
3. Careful – don’t buy too much before you have a plan
4. Decide on Furniture pieces early
5. Add your own personality to your Backyard Space

We know and have experienced firsthand why choosing your color is a vital first step in the decor process. Then either house match your outdoor style of go in a totally different direction with a theme. We hope you were able to get a few ideas form the video.

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