Outdoor Living Guy | Everything Related to Outdoor Living Spaces

Yes, we can Design your Backyard in 3d wherever you live in the World! Please contact me here we can schedule a virtual meeting. Thank you. https://www.backyardlivingguyde.com/3d-design-process

Outdoor Living guy here- if you are thinking about doing ANYTHING in your BACKYARD space I am confident you will find a lot of inspiration from this channel. There is a lot to think about when you are preparing your Outdoor Living Space. You may be thinking about doing a simple Outdoor Kitchen. That quickly turns into expanding you’re Backyard patio. Then while you’re at that you may create a fire pit destination or even a grand covered structure with fireplace, outdoor bar, with a waterfeature next to it.

I would ask that before you get too excited and go start buying materials PLEASE take a few minutes and watch some of the content on my channel. While having an Outdoor Living Space is amazing and fun when you get it right, when you make a mistake in the beginning you may not realize that mistake until its too late and you could ruin your amazing and fun Backyard Living Space and cost yourself a lot of money in the process.

Outdoor Living has been my life since I graduated from High School. When I was 19 years old I decided to start this company and I am very happy that I did. Now 25 years later I have had the privileged of helping countless families create their own little Paradise in their backyards. I started small and grew in experience and knowledge. We can now confidently take on any size project. We do work with all budget levels though, so you will see a nice mix of small – medium – and large projects. My main focus is on creating an Outdoor Space where memories can be made.

I hope that you will find something on my channel that will inspire you and help you create the Outdoor Living Space of your dreams!

I can personally attest that adding an Outdoor Living Space to your Back Yard space can be life changing. I know this sounds cheesy but its true. My family now spends much of our time together outside. We cook together, hang out around the fire pit together, hot tub, and much more. Also we entertain more as who does not like having company over for a BBQ?

Okay, this is a long description but I hope you can feel my excitement and energy for Outdoor Living. I will keep working to provide the best information that I can for this community. I hope you would SUBSCRIBE and I hope you will feel comfortable asking questions and leaving comments. We will do our best to answer them as promptly as possible.

Thanks again for Watching and Subscribing. Micah – Outdoor Living Guy 🙂

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