The start of permaculture life in The Weedy Garden #shorts episode-1

Follow the journey of Weedy and the discovery and implimentation of the systems of nature using permaculture. The Weedy Garden uploads inspirational and educational videos about learning to grow wonderful, colourful, natural, clean organic food on a property deep in the Australian bush – far away from any town and even further from a city.

I´m a photographer. A Master photographer some have called me.
For the past 35 years, I have travelled around the world looking for opportunities to capture and tell stories. Most of them have had something to do with Nature, and our connection to it as Humans.

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March 2020 (Covid lockdown) changed the way I could work, but it gave me the opportunity to fulfill a lifetime dream I have had. To start a vegetable garden so I could become self sufficient. It was the perfect storm. So I did. I made this channel. Both are growing and I am using my camera differently these days telling the same story. To express the influence that Nature has on me as a Human. I urge each man, woman and child to watch my channel and share in the joy this connection can give us.

I want to share my enthusiasm of watching how plants respond to human care and nurturing, and to convey that enthusiasm through my camera, and motivate people to get back to the garden to connect with nature and re-discover how amazingly enriching it actually IS. When I began the journey, a whole new world opened for me.

When my body is grounded and I am eating food that I have grown myself, I really and truly enter another state of wellbeing…and THAT´s the journey I want to share.

This video starts with the foundation of a healthy garden – soil bacteria, and I´ll show you how I make soil bacteria, and talk about why it is the most important aspect of my veggie garden. It´s important to watch video nr 6 before you catch your bacteria. There are a few things I didn´t cover in this video.

With your support, The Weedy Garden can continue after lockdown to make videos that inspire people all over the world to reconnect to nature and start a garden of food of their own, so please consider joining my tribe of supporters on PATREON.

To study Permaculture with Geoff Lawton, enroll for the 2022 Permaculture Design Certificate course here: and remember to write 2022WEEDYBEARD at checkout to save USD $100 couresy Weedy 🙂

love and peace to everyone

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